License Suspension for Marijuana Possession in Virginia

If convicted of marijuana possession in Virginia, state law requires a judge suspend your driver’s license. Two main policy concerns are used to justify suspension: first is to prevent individuals using drugs from driving while under the influence; and second to punish and scare those who used drugs by taking their driver’s license. If facing a Virginia marijuana possession charge, consult a local attorney for assistance in reducing the charge and preventing suspension of your driver’s license.

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Possession of Methamphetamine

Possession of methamphetamine, otherwise known as meth, crystal, speed or ice, has harsh consequences in both state and federal law. Get to know some of the common penalties for meth possession, and the defenses available to people facing criminal charges.

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Legal Defenses for a Drug Possession Charge

There are several ways to defend against a charge of drug possession. Unwitting possession, lack of possession, and police abuse of power (e.g. – entrapment), are among the most common defenses. Read on to see if these defenses may be relevant to your particular situation, but don’t represent yourself in a drug case — get a free case evaluation with an experienced criminal attorney.

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Possession of Cocaine

Possession of cocaine is a serious charge. In fact, the penalties for possession are generally much steeper than penalties for other drugs.

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Can a police officer stop and search me on the street for no reason?

Your neighborhood police can stop you on the street for no reason, but they cannot search you without reason without your consent to search you. The Supreme Court has held that law enforcement officers can approach and talk to anyone. One important way to avoid unreasonable searches at the hands of the police is to remember that you never have to consent to a search or a frisk, but there are other ways to protect yourself from police searches that are conducted without reason or for the purpose of harrassment.

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