Is a handwritten will valid?

Wills written by hand (not typed or created on a computer or word processor), also known as holographic wills, are only valid in a few states. Click for a list of states that legally recognize holographic wills.

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Wills and Young Adults

Many young adults avoid writing a will because they mistakenly believe they are not old enough or wealthy enough to need one. But at any age, if you die without a will, the distribution of your property, no matter how meager, will be decided by a probate court and the final outcome may not be what you would have wanted.

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Can I Write My Own Will?

A Will is an important legal document that contains your instructions and wishes for handling your estate and distributing the property and assets you own in your own name after you die.

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What happens when someone objects to a will?

Expert advice on how to handle a will contest. If someone files an objection to the will in probate court or produces another will, then what is known as a will contest will begin. While few people ever actually win a will contest, these contests can be extraordinarily costly and create incredible delays.

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How to Distribute the Deceased’s Belongings as an Executor of a Will in 2025 (Estate & Will Laws)

The executor of a will has many responsibilities that might seem more important, but unfortunately the distribution of the personal property of the deceased can be among the most difficult of the tasks the executor will face. Personal property is often not specifically mentioned in the will, and whether an estate is large or small, family members may have a difficult time agreeing who gets what. The executor of the will does have certain responsibilities with regard to distribution of personal property of the deceased.

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Are witnesses and notaries required when making an official will?

Executing a legal will is an important process for many adults. Before safely filing it away, though, you need to take the necessary legal steps to make sure your will is valid. Most states only require two witnesses to be present when a will maker signs the will in order for the will to be considered valid.

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Will Contests

A will contest occurs when someone challenges a will and asks that it be thrown out as invalid. Although they are relatively rare, will contests do occur. They can only be brought by a person with standing – that means something to gain, such as inheriting a larger share of the deceased’s estate, or greater voice in managing the estate, if the will is found to be invalid and thus will not be admitted to probate.

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